Øivind Weingaarde.My specialty is creating musical  soundscapes for movies, theater, radio, galleries and public spaces. My works move between the genres music concréte, noise, atmospheric, soundscape and drone. I work with monotony and noise as well as I incorporate natural sound recordings and organic acoustics into my productions.

It is important to me that new sound material and new techniques are integrated into my audible vocabulary and expression - that it is personalized. For me, that process means: zooming completely into a sound and its subtle color transformations, compiling and testing connections between sounds in different contexts and layers, reducing or deconstructing a pattern, working with timing and relationships between sounds and the quality of the silence in between, listen, feel, again and again.

Copenhagen, Denmark

 I have listen and been sensitive to sounds all my life. In my childhood, I drifted around in the Oslo Fjord, Norway, in my little rowing boat, listening to the waves, the wind and the seagulls. The rowboat was in a way the sounding source of my childhood. As I got older, I realized that nature had given me a kind of inner stillness and an ability to open my senses towards making sounds and the art of listening

Listening and sound explicitly brings bodies together. It inspiers us to come out, in lyrical,  and beautiful ways, creating connective moments and deepening the sense for both the present and the distant, the real and the mediated.

The entanglement and tension between freedom and discipline, between conscious and unconscious, the humility towards the uncontrollable is for me a persistently challenging and fascinating learning process.

I believe strongly in collaboration between people, I always feel this is the way to create something really new, based on a mixture of different ways of thinking, feeling and expressing.

I think our world lacks a lot of sensitivity, and I like to think that my soundwork act as a counterpart to that, containing and sharing it. Making sounds allows me to connect with people better. It also helps me find out about myself, coaxing out what’s inside of me, sharing a touch without touching. To work with sound is an extension of my being in the world.

Øivind weingaarde 

CV - an extracted collection of my work.



Video Udstilling, Den Sorte Diamant, København.


Video Udstilling Greenland National Museum & Archives, Nuuk.

Rwanda, Film/interaktiv media inst. Jacob Saubol

Kollegiet, Inst Martin Barnewitz,

Tilbage til A-Town, nst. Daniel Wedel.

Til Damaskus. Inst Michael Madsen.

Himmelnattens Kejser. Inst Michael Madsen.

The Average of the Average. Inst Michael Madsen.

Into Eternety, Inst Michael Madsen.

The Visit. Inst Michael Madsen.

Kulturkatedral Halden fængsel. Inst. Michael Madsen. Production Wim Wenders.

Kærlighedens kommaer. Inst. Ulrik Gutkin.

Museum of Memories, Inst. Nikolaj Christensen.

Udenfor står tiden stille, Filmprojekter for kriminalforsorgen. inst.Tina Enghof .

Mens vi venter, Filmprojekt for børnekræft afdelingen ved Rigshospitalet. Inst. Øivind Weingaarde

Beton, Inst Daniel Wedel.


Tilbage til mars, DR Radiodrama, Inst. Daniel Wedel

Det indre hotel, DR Radiodrama: Juryens specialpris ved prix Europa.

Nattebønner DR Radiodrama, af Torbjørn Rafn. Inst Daniel Wedel

Polterabend, DR Radiodrama, af Daniel Wedel.

Kufferten, DR Radiodrama, af Daniel Wedel.

Bliv dansker på 4 uger, DR Radiodrama, af Daniel Wedel.

Blodets bånd, Joan Rang Christensen. DR radio Drama

Försoningen af Daniel Wedel, SR Sveriges Radio.

Elementärpartikler, inst Daniel Wedel,

SR Sveriges Radio.

Dreck am Stecken, Höerspiele, West Deutsche Rundfunk, inst. Daniel Wedel

Erotiske historier, DR Radiodrama, div instruktører.

Animal Farm DR Radiodrama, inst. M Haarder

Colossos DR Radiodrama, inst Martin Barnewitz


Fake News, Teater Paradox , Muhammed og Maria, Teater Grob , København.

Hamlet- en afhopper uden land, Hamletscenen Kronborg.

Beckettes Glade dage, Egnesteateret Hamletscenen.

De sidste seks år i Ulrike Meinhofs liv, Cafe Teateret København

Les quatre Diables Herman Bang, Teatermuseet Kbh. Inst. Roman Engell

Flygtighedens time, Egnsteateret Masken. Inst. Roman Engell
Hamlet – et hævndrama, Flakfortet København. Inst,Thomas Trier

Fausten forvandlingsfortælling, Århus. Inst,Thomas Trier

Danton eller Frihedens engle, Rialto Teatret, København, Inst,Thomas Trier

Headbanger, Teateret veras Øje, Dokøen Holmen og Het Toneelhuis i Antwerpen.

Kvadratroten af Hedda, Realia og Kaleidoskop Kbh. Inst. Thomas Trier.

Kældermennesket, Århus Teater, Inst Daniel Wedel. 

Fando og Lis, Kunstnernes Hus Århus, Inst Daniel Wedel.

Jeppe på Bjerget Århus Teater, Inst Asger Bonfils.

Pan, Knut hamsun,  Husets teater København. Inst Daniel Wedel-

Samt en række teaterforestillinger for børn og unge ved Syddjurs Egnsteater og andre teatre i Danmark.


The Search, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.

Arabesque, lydinstallation Kiasma, Museum of modern art Helsinki.

The Reviews Imaginære film, live performance, SPOR festival Århus, Cinemateket Cph.

Rites de Passage, lydkomposition for DR Lydmuren. Tempestas, Suite Animale og

Triptraptykon, lydkompositioner for DR Lydmuren, i samarbejde med forfatteren Søren Søgaard Jensen.

Værk for tåge og anden navigation, Galleri Tusk, Kbh. Wona Lirri, elektroakustisk komposition, Ridehuset Århus produceret i DIEM, 

The Centerless Point of View, musik for strygekvartet og noise, Århus festuge.

Glemsel og erindring, Rønnebæksholm herregård, lydinstallation af Michael Madsen og Øivind Weingaarde.

Historier fra Gaden, live storie performance Kbh, inst. Daniel Wedel.

Hører du stemmer, Psykiatrisk sammling, Middelfart.

Uhørt ungdom, Arbejdermuseet København.

Winner of Juryens 1. pris filmen “Fear” under Copenhagen 60sec festival.
Voice Director for Vikinge Oplevelsescenter i Kongernes Jelling.

Medlem af juryen, Prix Europa The European Broadcasting festival i Berlin.

For several years named winner of the Blind Prize for my sound work in DR Radiodrama.


Den Danske Filmskole,

Københavns Film og Fotoskole,

Den Danske Scenekunstskole,

Manuskriptlinjen på Århus Teaterskole,

Arkiteksskolen Århus

Designskolen Kolding

Øland Folkhøjskole 

In recent years I have facilitated courses and retreats in mindfulness, and held sound, silence and voice workshops, as part of exploring and working with sound in a more extended physical, creative, spacious and sensual way.


Cand Phil i Filosofi (Master Degree in Philosophy) Aarhus University.


School of Sound, London.